Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Packing Task!

Another big issue to take into account when you are on these final days before traveling is the packing issue. Trying to get all your stuffs into one or luckly two luggages can be hard. In my particular case, the weather in my home city Caracas is very friendly, so we normally don't have to face the agonies of neither the winter or the extreme summer. Now that I'm moving to Chicago (also know as The Windy City, unfurtunately for me), I must consider certain types of cloth I might want to take with me. 

In fact, here are a couple of tips I've had collect from different people:

a. Try to get only the stricly neccesary items (trust me, they won't fit onto one luggage, but you finally do)
b. Leave at home all those old shirts you've got since high school (I know you love them, but they are in unacceptable conditiones now, and you know it!)
c. Be prepared to face different weather conditions, and include at least a piece of cloth for it. If the winter comes and you don't even have a jacket, it will be hard times for you on your journey to the store!
d. Include at least one suit or working cloth. This is in fact one of the ones I valued more from the friend who told me this one (no one usually does, so thanks and credits to her). If you're planning to have any working experience in the country you'll study (either an internship or a permanet job), bring at least one outfit for an interview. If the time comes and you face budgetary restrinctions (as almost every student), buying business outfit can be expensive. So be prepared if you can foresee this is your situation.
e. Be sure to have a weight scale with you when you're packing. Airlines can be very restrictive with your luggage.
f. Don't leave lost space in your luggage! If you can't find the way to fit your things into your luggage, try to use every lost spot as convenient. Your shoes could be a perfect place to storage your socks and scarfs, for example.
g. Did you remember the Tetris game?  Well, play it and do your best! You will need it to succeed!

I hope this information helps you and I'll be posting soon about my first days in Chicago!

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